Archive for February, 2012










Created By :


-Twelve Grade of Social Class-

2nd Christian Senior High School




Praise the Lord !

Because of His guide, love and faithfull , writer can finished this paper with the title “Broken Home Teenage”, in order to fill my final assignment.

A big thankful for my beloved parents, my both brother who give me strength, motivate, and also pray to God for me so that i can complete this paper.

Also thankful for all of you my beloved friend in R14pi, Euaggelion, Consolidation or in other word MA7ESTY generation,  who together with me to finish my English paper. Especially for my best English teacher, Mr. Henry Steven Nelwan S.S who always give advice the best for me.

Above all, the writer realized that this paper so far from perfect. So all advice, suggestions, even some tips and criticsm that has given by reader, welcomed with open arms.  Thank you.




Tomohon, Februari 2012

Best Regards










Table of Contents


  1. Chapter One

1.1  background

1.2  abstract

1.3  Problem Formulating

1.4  Problem’s Range

1.5   Writing Purpose

1.6  Research Method

1.7  Writing Systematic

1.8  Limitation

1.9  Hypothesis


  1. Chapter Two

2.1 Definition of Family

2.2 Definition of Teenager

2.3 Definition of Broken Home

2.4 Factors Contributing to Broken Home

2.5 Impact of Broken Home and Youth Development

2.6 Reality of Youth Who Have Broken Home

3. Chapter Three

3.1 Conclusion

3.2 Recommendations




1.1  Background

As social beings, may not infrequently we meet as teenagers who are frustrated or depressed because of various problems that arise by reason of, the main factor is the parents. As teenagers, we must be familiar with the word “Broken Home” or a family that is not harmonious. This word is usually the fear surrounding the youth today, when both their parents are different opinions or disagreements.

Adolescence is a period where one is going through a critical time because he will be stepping into adulthood. Adolescents are in transition. In the transitional period are teenagers looking for their identity. In the process of development which is too difficult and confusing times himself, young people need attention and bantuandari loved ones and mainly close to her parents or her family. As is well known that family function is to give shelter to ensure security during the critical adolescent desperately needs the realization of these functions.

According to WHO adolescence is a time when the individual develops from showing signs of secondary sexual until they reach sexual maturity, experience danpola identification of the psychological development of children into adulthood, as well as the transition from full dependence on socioeconomic circumstances relative to the more independent.

Adolescence is a period where one is going through a critical time for a critical period for in someone losing an adequate grip and guidance of his life. Critical period characterized by internal conflicts, critical thinking, irritability, ideals and high willingness but he did so he was difficult and so frustrating. Family problems are broken home is not a new problem but it is a major problem from the roots of a child’s life. The family is the world’s familiarity and be bound by the inner strap, making it a vital part of life.



1.2  Abstract


The definition of cases of broken home can be viewed from two aspects, namely the family split because its structure is not intact because one of the chief datu families or have left the world of divorce, and parents are not divorced but the family structure is not intact anymore because my father and mother are not home, or do not show affection anymore.
Of the family described above, will be born children who experience a crisis of personality that is often not appropriate behavior. They experience emotional disturbance even neorotik. The case of a broken home is often encountered in schools with poor adjustment.

It is inevitable, if basic education is the foundation and the baton further education is family education. If built with a strong educational foundation is the development of further education will be easy and work well, otherwise if the foundation of education is weak and messy, difficult the further education building.

Broken Home is the lack of attention or lack of family affection of a parent making a child’s mental frustrating, brutal and unruly. Broken home is a major  on mental thing a student has resulted in a students do not have the interest to perform. Broken home can also be damage the souls of children in school so their offhand attitude,  no discipline in the classroom troublemakers and they always do riots this was done because they just want to look for sympathy their friends and even to their teachers.

For the case this kind we need to give more attention and deployment that they are aware and willing to perform.  In general, the major cause of broken homes are the second activity parents in families earning a living as the father of male work and the mother is a career woman.



This is the basis does not have a running balance in daily activities
days and even otherwise be detrimental to the child himself, when his home
home school no one with whom to share and discussion, making the child look for an outlet outside the home such as hanging out with friends – his friends who are not directly provide effect / impact for the mental development of children.

When you want your child is not a broken person
home would both understand the duties and position in the home
ladder, the mother should take care at home, educate and give direction to
his son, the father in charge of seeking fortune to feed and protect



1.3  Formulation of Problem
Formulation of the problem include:
1. What is a family ?

2. What is it teenager ?

3. What is a Broken Home?
4. What are the factors that cause the Broken Home?
5. What kind of psychological impact caused by Broken Home?
6. How does the reality of adolescents who experience Broken Home?
7. How to minimize the negative impact on adolescents Broken Home?



1.4  Problem’s range

  • Definition of Family

In this point, Writer give explanation about definition of family including function and all about family relation with teenager


  • Definition of teenager

In this point,  writer give some explanation about  the understanding of teenager.


  • Understanding Broken Home

In this point,  writer give some explanation about the understanding of broken home


  • Factors Contributing to Broken Home

In this point, writer will describe to reader about factors of broken home


  • Impact of Broken Home and Youth Development

In this point, writer give information about positive and negative impact of broken home in youth development


  • Reality Teens Who Have Broken Home

In this point, writer give explanation  about the reality teenage who have problen in this case broken home


  • Solution to Minimize Negative Impact Of Teens Broken Home

In this point, writer give you some solution, tips and some advice to minimize negative ompact of broken home teenager

1.5  Writing Purpose


In general, the writing of this paper aims to make parents pay more attention to the development of children and not just concerned with their egos such as separation or divorce, because the attitude of the parents were very influential in the development of children, especially teenagers. And each child will always need support from both parents and want to complete the affection of her parents immediately. According to Kartini Kartono, “Attitudes and behavior of parents in relation to children’s growth and development affect each”.

The main purpose of writing this paper is to meet an English assignment from an English teacher Mr. Hendry Nelwan S.S

can be described as follows:

1. Explain what Adolescents

2. Broken Home explains what

3. What impact Broken Family Home on Adolescent Development
4. Knowing the reality of adolescents who experience Broken Home.
5. Provide solutions to minimize negative impacts on Broken Youth Home


1.6  Resarch Method


Writer use descriptive method in procces of writing, also use considerable study of divining manual and internet services.






1.7  Writing Systematic


Chapter I


1.1 Background

1.2 Abstract

1.3 Problem Formulating

1.4 Problem’s Range

1.5  Writing Purpose

1.6 Research Method

1.7 Writing Systematic

1.8 Limitation

1.9 Hypothesis


Chapter II

2.1 Definition of Family

2.2 Definition of Teenager

2.3 Definition of Broken Home

2.4 Factors Contributing to Broken Home

2.5 Impact of Broken Home and Youth Development

2.6 Reality of Youth Who Have Broken Home

Chapter Three

3.1 Conclusion

3.2 Recommendations

1.8  Limitations

Discussion of the influence of the Broken Family Home Against Children include:


  • Definition of Family
  • Definition of Teenager
  • Definition of Broken Home
  • Factors Contributing to Broken Home
  • Impact of Broken Home and Youth Development
  • Reality of Youth Who Have Broken Home




1.9  Hypothesis


There is conjecture that broken home teenager can interfere with the development of adolescent








     D I S C U S S I O N

2.1 Nature Of Family

2.1.1 Definition of Family

Family means the nuclear family consisting of father, mother and son, father and mother are inseparable but ideal shoulder to shoulder in carrying out the responsibilities. According Sayekti Pujosowarno (1994: 11): Family life is an agreement on the basis of marriage between adults of the opposite sex who live together or a male person atu a woman who was alone with or without either his own or a child and lived in the house adonpsi ladder.

As for the Bustaman (2001: 89)

Families are groups of people united by ties of blood or adonpsi perakwinan that helps one another and bind via their own roles as family members and defense policies and the cultural community created its own culture.

Another understanding also expressed by Siti Meichati (in sayekti pujosuwarno, 1994: 54), Family is a bond on the basis of marital life sehuluan between adults of the opposite sex who live together or one man or a woman who was alone with or without children both children of their own children / adoption who lives in a household.

Meanwhile, according Soerjono Soekanto (1992: 1) “The family is the smallest social group consisting of husband and wife along with children”. Family as the smallest social unit in society is the first foundation for the development of the child to the next. According to Kartini Kartono (2003: 57) “Family is the smallest unit that puts sosila primary foundation for the development of children”. So, from expert opinion can be summed up in the family is the smallest social groups are viewed with a marital relationship consisting of father, mother and child.


2.1.2 Family Harmony

In order for adolescents and children experiencing good growth, which is developed with the principles of development, adolescents and children should be considered a harmonious family environment.
Harmonious family understanding is described by experts as follows. According Mahfudli (1995: 48): Family harmony is living happily in the bond of love, husband istir based on the willingness, the harmony of life in outer and inner peace because he felt quite satisfied with everything that exists. Along with that Singgih D. Gunawan (1995: 20), states that:
Happy family which is when all members are happy kelaurga characterized by a decrease in consideration of chaos and discontent with the whole situation and where he is. So harimonis family is a happy family life characterized by serenity away from the devastation.

2.1.3 Family Function

1. Functions of Education

Education can be implemented in specific environments such as in families, schools and communities. Family is the most important educational environment for children to know education. As for the Sayekti Pujosuwarno (1994: 19) when the parents live in harmony and peaceful it will be able to help children who are good but on the contrary, dysfunctional family life parents are not tranquil, gloomy, chaotic mess will make a child’s life and not peaceful.

2. Social Function

Family is very important factor for the life of the child, the family as a group among its members and that is where the process of socialization (Sayekti Pujosowarno, 1994: 21).

3. Protection and maintenance

The family also serves as protection and maintenance of protective family members to family members include the protection and maintenance of physical and spiritual needs (Sayekti Pujosuwarno, 1994: 18)

2.2 Definition of Teenager
The word comes from the Latin word teenager is adolescere meaning to grow or to maturity. The definition of adolescence is the developmental period between childhood to adulthood. These developments include changes related to psychosexual development, and also occur in conjunction with changes in parents and their ideals. Adolescence is a period of instability, where they are searching for their identity, and they alone decide which direction they want tomorrow.

The term adolescent means large enough, according to Piaget (in Muhammad Ali and M. Astori, said: Teens still an age where the individual becomes integrated into adult society and an age in which children do not feel that he is under the level of older people but feel the same or at least parallel. Adolescence is a period of transition who want something new.
Meanwhile, according to Sarlito Wirawan Sarwono, “Youth is a transitional period kemasa adults” where they should begin to prepare themselves to adult life.


So youth are individuals aged 12 to 21 years in which a critical time because it would have in early adult life, teenagers are in a transitional period of kemasa adult children. Increase in emotional adolescence that occurs rapidly in early adolescence, known as the storm and stress.


In adolescence the rapid changes both physically and psychologically. Increase in emotional adolescence that occurs rapidly in early adolescence, known as the storm and stress. At this time many demands and pressures aimed at teenagers, where they are expected to behave like children, and they should be more independent and responsible.


In addition to emotional changes, in adolescents there is also accompanied by physical changes of sexual maturation. Sometimes this change just makes teens feel less confident. Physical changes that occur rapidly affecting self-concept in adolescents. During adolescence many interesting things in socializing with their environment. Adolescents are also no longer associated only with individuals of the same gender, but also with the opposite sex, and with adults.


Teens will be ambivalent in the face of change, which on one hand they want freedom, but on the other hand they are afraid of the responsibility that accompanies freedom, but they themselves doubted their own ability to take responsibility. Adolescent developmental tasks according to the Gunarsa Havighurst (1991), among others:


• Expanding personal relationships between adults and communicate

more with peers, both men and women.

• Obtain a social role

• Accepting the need and use them effectively

• Obtaining emotional freedom from parents and other adults

• Achieving certainty of freedom and the ability to stand alone
• Choose and prepare for jobs

• Preparing for the formation of family

• Establish a system of values, morality and philosophy of life
Adolescence is a problematic and difficult, to Overcome both the boys and girls Because teens are looking for independence, Refused to help parents, teachers or anyone else. The family is the closest environment to bring up, mature, and in it the first time children get an education. Dysfunctional families can cause the child to get attention and lack of education. This study is a qualitative descriptive study to address AIMS That issues of social phenomena That youth have a Tendency to aggressive behavior by using observation and interviewing techniques to Obtain research data. The study subjects were students from a broken home with four respondents.

The results showed That the aggressiveness of students from a broken home is due to Several factors, impingement, treatment of the elderly and tired of the situation inherent in the family. Adolescence is a time of transition or the transition from childhood to adulthood. At this time the adolescent search for identity. Income identity is a process of personal development of children. According to Erickson (in Kartini Kartono, 2003: 8) “Adolescence is a period of living an identity to maturity”. To help teens during this transition, a very important role here is family, as revealed Satiadarma (2001: 121) “Family is the first place for children to learn social interaction”. So here is the family that is responsible for social development of children.

In effect the formation of families that each container of its members, especially teenagers who are still in the guidance of his parents’ responsibilities, as well as the formation of each member of the child especially important role in the family needs to meet the needs of children both physically and psychologically. Maslow (in Syamsu Joseph, 2001: 38) “Stage of development of individual psychology in one’s life and it all depends of experience in the family”.

So it all came from families that, if the teen was raised from an intact family / not broken home so their children will lead towards the development of a good or vice versa, according to Kartini Kartono (2003: 57) “Family is the smallest social unit that provides the primary foundation for the development children “.

Then how the development of adolescents who are in families broken home? And what are the implications for adolescent development? So in this paper the author will try to describe it. To resolve this crisis teens should strive to explain who he was, what its role in society, whether he will eventually succeed or fail, which in turn requires a teenager to make mental adjustments, and determine the roles, attitudes, values, and interests they have. Some issues of adolescent development: sexuality, self esteem, future orientation, consumption, family.


2.3 Definition of Broken Home

“Broken” Meaning : The state of families with divorced or separated fathers or mothers are constantly arguing.

Definition: A condition caused chaos in the family of internal conflict within a family that lead to psychological stress.

Broken Home is often the trigger of a person becomes addicted to drugs. Although not all cases of drug addiction is triggered by a Broken Home, but circumstances are not harmonious families often make a person look for an escape and tranquility in the form of drug consumption. Family environment that is conducive to creating a peace factor in a person, as well as the attention and affection bestowed on the child’s parents are naturally calm mereka.Perasaan obtained from the family, can prevent someone from seeking peace in another form, one of which is by taking drugs.

Broken home is a term used to describe a household, usually in reference to parenting, in the which the family unit does not function properly accepted societal norms According to. This household Might Suffer from domestic violence, a dissolved marriage, drug abuse, or anything else That interferes with the upbringing of children.

The term “Broken Home” is usually used to describe families who do not and do not run like harmonious family harmonious and prosperous due to frequent conflicts that led to the contention that it can even lead to divorce. It notions will have a major impact on the atmosphere of a house that is no longer conducive, parents no longer care for her children so the impact on the development of children, especially teenagers.

Parents are role models and role model for youth development, especially on the psychological and emotional development, parents are the closest character formation. If the teenager is expected in a state of “broken home” where their parents are no longer a role model for him then it will have a major impact on development. Psychological impact experienced by adolescents with a broken home, teens become more reserved, shy, even despresi prolonged.

Environmental factors where teenagers hang out is another means if the parents are busy with their own affairs. If teenagers are in a negative social environment, because it was unstable then it is possible to be plunged into the valley youth association that is not good.

Broken home is the lack of attention from family, lack of affection from their parents or families whose parents have their own activity.
Could also be called a broken home a broken family or the parents are separated.
in general, the cause of a broken home:

  1. Parents are divorced

Divorce represents a reality of life husband and wife are no longer animated by a sense of compassion, the basics of marriage that have been nurtured along been unable to shake and carry the collapse of a harmonious family life.

According to Save M boom (1999: 1995) factors that lead to divorce are: economic issues, the difference between a great desire to start having children and living a different principle differences, differences in the understanding of how to educate children and the influence of social support and other options.

As for the M. Thaib (1997: 19) factors that cause peceraian are:
1) No longer happy to partner,

2) not shoping,

3) impotency,

4) order the parent,

5) abuse,

6) tempted men or other women,

7) demand luxury,

8) have a disease,

9) violation of the terms,


B . Culture of silence within the family

Culture is characterized by the absence of silent communication and dialogue between family members. Problems that appear in the culture of silence is actually happening in the community who know each other and the situation berjumpaan temporary. Families with no dialogue and communication will foster a sense of frutasi and resentment in the children’s souls.  That causes a broken family into the family home which affect their impact on adolescent development….


2.4 Factors Contributing to Broken Home

The factors that cause broken home are:

2.4.1 Occurrence of Divorce

Factors that cause divorce are the first couple of disorientation goal in building Mahligai household; and maturity factors that include intellect, emotionality, second, the ability to manage and cope with family problems: the third, and norms that influence changes in society.

2.4.2 Parental Attitudes Immaturity

Immature attitudes of parents one of them seen from the attitude of selfishness and egocentrism. Selfishness is a bad human nature selfish. While egocentrism is the attitude that made him the center of attention afforded by a person in every way. Selfish parents will have an impact on children, the stubborn nature arise, in order and it is difficult to quarrel with his brother. The stubborn attitude is the application of a sense of anger against the self-centered parents. Parents should set a good example as like cooperation, mutual help, friendship and friendly. These qualities are the opposite of selfishness and egocentrism.

2.4.3 Parents Have Less Sense of Responsibility

People irresponsible parents busy one problem. Busyness is a word that has been attached to the modern society in the cities. His work focused on the search for material possessions and money. Why is that? Because the philosophy of life they say money is the self-esteem, and time is money. If it has a rich means a success, a success. In addition, another success is the high office.

2.4.4 Far from God

Everything that human behavior is because he is far from God. Because, God teaches human beings to do good. If families are far from God and only then put the material world in the family’s destruction will occur. Because of the family to be born children who are not obedient to God and his parents.

2.4.5 The Economic Problem

In some families have difficulty in meeting their household needs. Wife of many demanding things beyond eating and drinking. And with the husband’s income as casual workers, can only provide food and shelter tenement affordable rent. For the husband is unable to meet the demands of his wife and children of the needs mentioned above, there arose a husband and wife quarrel which often lead to the divorce.

2.4.6 Loss of Family Warmth In Between Parents and Children

Lack of or broken communication between family members led to the loss of warmth in the family between parents and children. Activity factors are usually considered the main cause of the lack of communication. Where the father and mother worked from morning to evening, they did not have time to eat lunch together, praying at the house where the father became a priest, was another member of a congregation.

And children will express feelings experiences and thoughts about the good of the family including criticism of their parents. What often happens is that both parents come home almost as a traffic jam night, tired body, sleepy eyes got home and fell asleep. Of course people do not have the opportunity to discuss with their children.

2.4.7 The Problem of Education

Problem of education is often the cause of the broken home. If education is somewhat tolerable at the couple insight into family life can be understood by them. In contrast to the low education of husband and wife who are often unable to understand the twists and turns of the family. Because it is often mistakenly blame the event of problems in the family. As a result, there is always a fight that may result to divorce. If there is religious education or weakness rather than of education may well be overcome. This means that husband and wife will be able to curb appetite so that each argument can be avoided.

2.4.8. Cultural mute in the family

Culture is characterized by the absence of silent communication and dialogue between family members. Problems that appear in cultures that dumb actually happening in the community who know each other and bound by rope mind. Problem is not going to gain weight if the culture dumb occur among people who do not know each other and the situation
encounter temporary only. Families with no dialogue and
communication will pile up frustration and resentment in the soul
the children. If parents do not give dialogue a chance and
communication in the sense that really is not just lip service or
speak on things that are necessary or essential; children are not likely
willing to entrust his problems and open up. They are more
either remain silent. Cultural situation will be able to turn off the mute
life itself and on the same side of the dialog has a role
very important.

Juvenile delinquency can be rooted in the lack of dialogue in the
childhood and later periods, because parents are too busy
whereas the more basic needs neglected love.
As a result, children become stranded in solitude and silence.
It turned the attention of parents to provide material pleasures yet
able to touch the humanity of children. Dialogue can not be replaced
position with the expensive and nice things. Replacing means
throwing children into a bunch of inanimate objects.
The cold war in the family

Can be said of the cold war is more severe than in the culture of silence. Because the cold war but also about the creation of dialogue inserted by a sense of discord and hatred of each party. Beginning of the war cold can be caused because the husband would win the argument and his own conviction, while the wife is only the desire to maintain and
his own.

The atmosphere of the cold war could lead to:
1. Fear and anxiety in children.

2. Children are not comfortable at home feeling depressed and cause
confused and tense.

3. Children to be covered and can not discuss the problem of
4. The spirit of learning and their concentration becomes weak.
5. Children’s apparent attempt to seek compensation.


2.5  Impact of Broken Home and Youth Development

2.5.1 Development of Emotion

Emotion is a psychological situation which is a subjective experience that can be seen from the reaction of the face and body. Divorce is something that should be avoided, in order not to be emotionally disturbed children. Divorce is a pain or tramatis experience for children.
The impact of a broken home to view the emotional development of adolescents:
Ø The divorce of parents make the temperament of children affected, the effect is clearly visible in the emotional development that makes the child becomes moody, lazy (being aggressive) who wish to seek the attention of parents / other people. Search for identity in an overlap of household and less harmonious.  The events that cause emotional instability divorce.Ø
Ø the meaningless on adolescent self would easily arise, so in life teens feel that they are a party that is not expected in this life.
Teenagers whose needs are not met by their parents, will be easily provoked angry emotions.Ø

2.5.2 Social Development of Adolescents

Behavior of social groups that allow a person to participate effectively in a group or society.

Broken Home Family impact on adolescent social development are:
parental divorce itself lead to distrust of the ability and position, he felt humbled to be afraid to come out and hang out with friends.
Children’s difficult to adjust to the environment.

In family crippled boy who grew up, tend to have difficulty adjusting to the environment, the difficulties that come naturally from the child himself.

Impact on young women who do not have a father behaved with extreme one way to a man, they really pulled out the possibility that passive and inferior both too active, aggressive and flirtatious.


2.5.3 Development of Personality

Divorce apparently unfavorable impact on the development of adolescent personality. Teens who her parents divorced tend to show traits:

  • Behave naughty
  • Experience of depression
  • Having sexual intercourse is active
  • The trend in illicit drugs

Harmonious family situation is unstable or does not fall apart (broken home) is the determining factor for the development of the adolescent personality is not healthy.

Psychiatric disorders in a Broken Home

A. Broken Heart:

the young man felt the pain and destruction of the liver
so looking at life in vain and disappointing. This trend is
form of the young man became a crisis of love and
that is usually run to the sexual weirdness. For example sex free,
gay sex, lesbian, so savings irang, interested in the man’s wife,
or husband and other people

  1. Broken Relation:

the youth feel that no one is  need to be respected, no one can be trusted and there is no people can follow. This tendency to form the youth
be the indifference of others, reckless oats, search
attention, rude, selfish, and do not listen to the advice of others,
tend to be “at will I”.

  1. Broken Values:

the boy lost “value of life” is true.  For him in this life there is no good, right, or damaging the  there is only a “fun” and that “no fun”, just
What pleases me to do, what is not fun I do not.


2.5.4 Negative attitude in the face of Broken Home

1. Denial: the young man seemed to show no reaction to what’s what
even tend to deny: ah they did so, but ah, why
it? “they are not interested to talk about it. when it is exactly in
at times like this he needs the guidance and strength from others
who can guide you in truth

2. Shame: the young man behind the denial was so embarrassed, will
the existence of life. Demonstrated with fantasy fantasy “if
I have parents who are happy “.

3. Guilt: the young man feel discouraged because maybe the
existence is also one of the causes of the noise or they divorce;
or feel “koq I can not do anything about what the heck”.

4. Anger: most of the other boys would feel so upset because
according to their parents a lot of noise that is not rational. “The
It’s just not mature correctly wrote diributin hell “.

5. Iini secure: the young man was where he had fled, the family

2.5.4 Positive Impacts Due to Broken Home

In a marriage relationship that is very bad, that his fight was very severe, most children will choose to divorce. For the sake of children’s mental health will be more at ease when removed from the atmosphere. At the time the parents do not live together with them to feel more calm because they do not have to watch pertengkatan. Finally, they are more stable, more peaceful life, and more in touch with his parents sacara healthier.

There is a positive side of children of divorce, such as children grow up, have a good sense of responsibility, to help her mother. Indeed there can be a naughty boy amazing, but there is an inverse actually be a very good and responsible.

These children eventually are strongly encouraged to take over the role of parents in the family no longer exists. In the outside we look like well into adulthood, but actually the maturity is not very good because he’s not ready to take over the role of parents.


2.5.5 The negative impact of divorce for children

There are several steps that precede it before the divorce.
They began to find discrepancies in their marriage. People will feel like a failure to settle this problem or crisis. Because they will see is the same problem repeated. This is caused by at least two causes: People who are concerned do not want to change or they have not mastered how to resolve the problem. That does not work, finally engaging in a cycle, the cycle can not fight that is over-done. When you get to this point we usually give up. Then we will feel the hell, would squelch, our partners and do not ignore it. Prolonged pain was unbearable and this is often a trigger or encourage people to divorce.

Marriage age that are prone to divorce are:

• The first 5 years after marriage and also a more critical
again the first 3 years.

• middle age is the age of about 45-55 years. Vulnerable because
at that time where the kids are great. Children are often
become binding as well as a parent and a diversion

The impact of divorce are often experienced by children are:

• Children are feeling the pinch, children find it difficult to say I
I chose to pick mama or papa. He was caught in the middle,
who should be defended, it is he who should follow later if
such as divorce.

• Children have a sense of guilt. Because the child feels that he is the cause of divorce.

• Children who are victims of divorced families tend to be a very naughty boy because:  Children have the anger, frustration, and he wants it out. And covered is to do things contrary to regulation, rebellion and so on.

• Children miss an authority figure, father figure. Time the child disappeared authority figures are often not too scared of mama.

• Children lose their social identity or social identity. Status
as a child of divorce gives a feeling he’s a different from other children.

Married couples should quickly seek the help of a third party
the pastor, counselor to settle their problems, if suddenly they were already aware that the same issues arise again  constantly. So if any one who suffers in the marriage needs to be done is:

Looking for help, two-two even if that one did not feel I have
problems, seek help because this is often not a matter of
or the other, but both problems. Should remain strong in the Lord.


Broken home vs single parent

Many think That a single family is tantamount to a broken home. Of course it’s 100% wrong. There was no relation Between a single family with a broken home. It is true That some single-family broken home, but most intact families also broken home. Thus Spake, the broken home is not a characteristic of a single family.

Single family is a healthy family. There’s nothing wrong with it. Throughout the Interaction Between family members continue to occur and well maintained, then the single family home is not broken. A broken home is a Relationship Between the family members are not well maintained; Between family members are not connected to each other, communication is not the way. Usually, it is precisely in a single family would be more fluent communication and bonding Between family members will more closely.
Negative Impacts experienced by the child after a divorce That Arise or death of one of Their parents are usually not just Because of divorce or death Itself. The danger is coming from the conflicts That Followed the divorce, or Because of long-term Disruption to the parenting styles of the children by WHO are impaired adults. Therefore, you have to recover first before we can recover the children. You have to be healthy first before They can make-healthy children. If you have not recovered then you probably do not care for your child in Airways That are Appropriate and correct, the which Could result in your child’s problem.

Your family will be a broken home, you do care if disturbed. If not disturbed, then the broken home will not be part of your family. Here are some parental behaviors That Could result in a broken home:

  • Can not adapt to the Caregiving

Continue to teach children lessons and hope the child will change his behavior. Creating conditions That Encourage children to fail (always in a hurry in the morning, leaving the children without adults around them, do not Provide enough time to listen to the kids)

  • Reacting angrily to children

Have the motivation to seek revenge against a former spouse or other person
Not Provide an option in children .    Just give a little warning or no warning at all when it punishes the children, so children do not have a chance to change his behavior.

  • Give priority to Their Own social life

in the interests of the children, or do not have a social life at all.

  •   Floater date

Always stayed with the children Wherever They are
Do not create limitations .

Not to be expected, Such as mad as a behavior     today but laugh Because the same behavior on another day
Let the children out of control and Disrespectful to others
Save the children from the Consequences as children age

The Things above lead to a broken home. There is also the parent Caused WHO it is usually Argued and Considered Himself That he is a victim, rather than the cause. They Assume That he is a victim of divorce or death of a spouse, the economic situation of Victims, and Victims of social conditions, so did the children They are positioned together.

One of the major problems facing many complicated single parent is a financial problem, especially on single mothers. Moreover, many divorced fathers after ignoring its obligation to Provide Their subsistence for children. They run away. No doubt the WHO mother must bear the total cost of the care of children.

Papalia, Olds & Feldman (2002) states That poverty will give effect to the parents’ emotional disturbance, the which would then affect the way in nurturing Their children. Of course, therefore having an emotional disturbance, then parents may be raising children in a way That Is not Appropriate and not disproportionate. Some parents on the behavior list is an example of parenting behaviors That Arise as a result of emotional disturbance in the natural parent. As a result children can also be a victim, the which leads to the creation Could of a broken home. Typically, when a single mother feels overworked, parent-child relationship tends to increase of conflict. Become Mothers WHO Thus Spake less attentive and less revenue, and Their children growing niche to exhibit behavioral problems.

Therefore, you must heal yourself first before Able to act as a single parent is tough. Only then your family will not be labeled as a broken home.


2.6 Reality of Youth Who Have Broken Home

Some causes of broken homes are the most common is the lack of communication between families that led to their dianatara distance. The distance is more so when a sense of distrust and early marriage commitment eroded. Over time, this developed into a dispute and disharmony which peaked.
The second cause of frequent cause is a broken home that led to the economic problems of domestic violence (domestic violence). The second cause is the most widely produced families broken home which ended in divorce or an argument without end.

As a victim, of course, the kids will feel things are not wearing. These feelings arise and develop in the child until he was growing up. In the phase of adolescence, where teenagers are passionate soul, the feeling is mixed into a fine depressed, ashamed, sad, disappointed, upset, hurt, confused, feeling lost, etc..             The way the teens eliminate fatigue is either positive or negative direction it is relative. It depends on the attitude and behavior of these adolescents. If he can point to a positive direction, meaning he managed to reduce and even eliminate these feelings. If otherwise, then he failed. In ways that are done to eliminate the fatigue that would certainly give birth to change attitudes in adolescents with a broken home. A change that will lead them to feel better than before, while or forever.

Effect of broken home effect a person’s life :

1. academic problems, suffered a broken home who will be
people are lazy to learn, and not eager achievers

2. behavioral problems, they began to rebel, rude, indifferent,
have destructive habits, such as from smoking, drinking, drinking, gambling,
ran to the place of prostitution

3. sexual problem, a crisis you want to try is covered with a sufficient
needs of the passions

4. spiritual problem, they lost their father’s figure, so the Lord,
pastor, or spiritual people are only part of a play hypocrisy.


Teenagers  from broken homes are more likely to have under-age sex, a survey suggests. Youngsters from families with married parents are more liable to benefit from their influence and interest.


The findings, from a family research organisation, cement evidence that already shows children of divorced, broken and single parent families are more likely to become single parents themselves. They are also at greater risk of performing poorly at school, ending up unemployed and falling into crime.

‘Teenage sexual activity is dramatically reduced when parents are married, show practical concern for their youngsters, monitor their activities and set behavioural guidelines,’ said the report from the Family Matters Institute.


‘The home environment is the most significant influence determining whether or not young teenagers are sexually active.’


The findings stem from a survey of 2,250 schoolchildren aged 13, 14 and 15 carried out in 21 schools across England last year. The teenagers filled in detailed questionnaires during personal and social education lessons. Results showed 58 per cent of teenagers who had not had sexual experience said they had a good relationship with their parents. This compared with 43 per cent of those who had had sex.


The survey also suggested that one in four sexually-active 13-year-olds has had four or more sexual partners. The report said parents could improve the chances of their children steering clear of sex by working harder to communicate with them, taking a bigger interest in their leisure activities, discussing moral behaviour with them, and checking closely what they read and watch on TV.


According to the survey, two thirds of sexually active girls spent their leisure time ‘just hanging around’. Marriage and parental interest in teenagers were key factors in avoiding  promiscuity, the report said. It also found that religious or moral belief played an important role. ‘Incidence of under-age sex is further reduced where parents are religious or hold clear standards of morality,’ it said. Religious parents appear to have better relationships with their young teenager offspring than non-religious parents.’


Teenage pregnancy – almost all of which is outside marriage – is a key Government concern. Ministers aim to halve the rate by 2010. British teenage pregnancy rates have stopped climbing but they have yet to fall significantly. Up to 15 per cent of girls become pregnant before they reach 20.

Government attempts to drive down pregnancy rates centre on promoting sex education and contraception, including the highly controversial morning after pill. Dr Clifford Hill, research director of the Bedford-based institute, said: ‘The family environment and the relationship between the husband and wife can have a very real effect on the children.


‘If one or other of the parents is rarely around or has been unfaithful then that affects the child.’ Professor Martin Richards, director of the Centre for Family Research at Cambridge University, said: ‘Premature parenthood blights the lives of those who have responsibilities thrust on them too early.  This study compares those who report having had or not having had sexual intercourse.


The media have been saturated, in recent years, with articles on the troubles of today’s teens: drugs, drinking, dropping out, pregnancy, gangs, violence in the schools, sexually transmitted diseases, poverty, racism, running away, suicide, AIDS, illiteracy, truancy.      Filled with facts and figures, most articles have addressed these issues from an adult perspective. But what do young people say is their greatest concern? What solutions do they suggest?  When teens are truant, is it because they’re tired from working? Or are the classes boring, the teachers indifferent? When they skip school, where do they go, and what do they do?

Years ago, students dropped out because of external causes: illness, employment, or the need to help at home. Today, personal frustration, failure, and fear are more likely to be contributing factors.      “Nobody is listening, and nobody really cares,” says Angie, 18. (Names have been changed to conceal identities. Without anonymity, teens felt they could not give honest answers on the issues without facing possible negative repercussions from parents and teachers), a senior at Newton High School.

Violence and fear

Overwhelmingly, students at Newton High point to violence and racism in school as their primary concerns. Their fears closely parallel the concerns expressed by teens nationwide. According to a study by the American Psychological Association, teens are more than twice as likely as adults to be victims of violent crimes. Still, teenagers are most commonly perceived by the public as perpetrators of crime, according to an Oct. 1993 Gallup/CNN poll. Adults actually commit more crimes, statistics show; but criminal activity by youth, increasingly armed and more violent, invokes more fear, the poll showed.      Young people are sensitive to the public’s perception of their age group, they say. They resent generalizations suggesting all teens cause trouble.      However, teens themselves are subject to fear of their peers. Many admit being afraid, at times, of even going to school. (A 1993 survey of 65,000 teens showed that 37 percent feel unsafe in school — up from 22 percent in 1989.)      “When someone makes a threat against you, you don’t want to go back the next day,” says Mark, 15. “The teachers and authorities don’t do anything about it.” School authorities are afraid of those who stir up trouble, says Ginger, 19, and are generally unresponsive to students’ complaints.

Female students describe incidents in which they have been subjected to uncomfortable intimidation by other students. They get “stared down,” they say, while walking down the middle of a crowded hall lined with students making derogatory comments.      Two of her friends express similar concerns. No one’s afraid of the authorities, Ginger says, adding that some students deliberately bring knives or come to school drunk, with the hope of being sent home and having three days off.

‘No place to go’

Outside of school, young people say, the biggest problem is that there’s no place for them to go.      “Senior citizens have their places to meet” in most communities, one student said. “Kids go to daycare. But there’s no place around here for teenagers to get together.” So on Friday and Saturday nights, the dark, vacant parking lot on Highway 278, location of the former Kmart, informally converts to a youth hangout. …      “We don’t have any where else to go, so we hang out here,” says Anthony, a former student of Newton County High.      “Right here is what we’ve got to do,” says Rod, pointing to the dark, empty lot. “Anywhere else, you get run off.”
“The bowling alley closed down. The pool hall closed down. We can’t go to bars. This is all we have,” he says. “We used to love to bowl.”
“The cops come through here and tell us to turn our music down,” he says, as a patrol car pulls onto the lot. “We’re a bunch of drunks, drug addicts, that’s how they perceive us. But we’re not hurting anybody.”      “If the police come up here, they’ll give him (the driver of the car playing loud music) a ticket,” says Anthony.      “But you can go to a bar and play music as loud as you want,” Rod says.      “They should give us something to do,” says Ginger. “They don’t want us drinking and driving, but we have to go to Athens or Milledgeville for something to do.”  Teens wish the community would just provide them with a place to go, they say.      “They don’t have to serve alcohol. Just a place for music, getting together.”   Their desire for socialization is both healthy and harmless. Covington police report no recent acts of violence or trouble in the parking lot where local youth gather. A squad patrols the area only when called upon by concerned members of the public, police say. Occasionally an under-age drinker is instructed to pour out an alcoholic beverage, they say, but no arrests have been made.

“We understand they have no place to go, and they’re not hurting anyone,” one officer says. At home and in school Young people often don’t want to entertain their friends at home. It is the home to which many teens’ troubles can be traced.

Some “parents are like the teachers at school,” says Anthony. “They don’t want to listen. If you do something wrong, you get in trouble. If you do something good,” they don’t say anything.     Nevertheless, some of teens’ troubles are often brought on by themselves. A study published in the Journal of Social Issues found that 90 percent of incidents involving family violence toward teens were preceded by disobedience or arguments with parents. Teens would argue, however — and justifiably in many a case — that their behavior is often the result of other contributing factors over which they have no control.

According to the American Psychological Commission on Violence and Youth, a history of child abuse, parental indifference or neglect, poverty, family violence, and drug use, among other factors, directly contribute to teens’ violent tendencies.      In fact, more than 208,000 teens aged 12 to 17 were reported as victims of family violence in 1990, according to the National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect. Twenty-eight percent of youths in runaway shelters say they were physically or sexually abused before leaving home, according to a 1991 study.      However, incidents involving the victimization of teens are severely underreported to child protective agencies, as indicated by a 1993 study of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Statistics show that the rate at which teens were physically abused almost doubled between 1980 and 1986 — although it is uncertain whether this rise is the result of an actual increase in abuse or simply an increased awareness of the problem on the part of the public.
Although poverty undoubtedly is a factor in many a case (financial difficulties lead to stress, to which many respond with violence), statistics show it is not always to blame. According to the National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect, 42 percent of families in which teens were abused earned over $11,000 (1978 dollars) per year.      No wonder many teens look to school as an escape from family life. Unfortunately, the violence they flee at home often follows them to the classroom, as well.

‘Like going to prison’

“Going to school is like going to prison,” Anthony says. “The kids are afraid to go to school because the teachers won’t protect them. They’re afraid they’re going to get killed or hurt. There are guns, knives, racial fights. Schools have already taken on the task of feeding, transporting, counseling, medicating, babysitting, teaching sex education, and performing other responsibilities previously assumed by parents. Is it also the school’s job to patrol and protect? A look at the statistics might suggest the need:

  • 37 percent of teens feel unsafe in school, a 1993 USA Today survey shows;
  • 58 percent said they knew where to get a gun, if they wanted one;
  • 44.2 percent of teenage students had been involved in a physical fight during the previous year, according to the National Center for Health Statistics, CDC.

Daily in the U.S., 15 percent of students carry a gun to school, according to a 1993 Harris survey of sixth through twelfth graders. Homicides committed by 15- through 19-year-olds using firearms rose 61 percent between 1979 and 1989, the American Psychological Association Commission on Violence and Youth reports. According to FBI reports, juvenile firearm-murders rose 79 percent in the past 10 years.

The effects of fear and stress of life in today’s society upon teens is evident in the increase of psychiatric admissions among U.S. youth. Teen admissions to psychiatric centers in the U.S. have nearly quadrupled since 1980, writes Lynette Lamb in the March/April 1992 issue of Utne Reader. It would be unrealistic to presume that such fear does not interfere with their education.

School ‘frustrating’ 

School is “frustrating,” says Anthony. “Elementary school is supposed to prepare you for high school, and high school is supposed to prepare you for college.” But sometimes teachers assume students already know the basics, Anthony says, and aren’t patient enough to explain what they don’t understand.

“Copy this, write this, and this is your homework.” That’s how Rod describes some of his teachers’ instruction format. “Either everybody understands, or no one does,” he says.

Many students just “sit there and go to sleep,” says Anthony.
“The teachers care,” he adds, “but don’t want to help. If you get caught doing something, they just want to send you home for there days. They don’t want to keep you in school.”   Anthony relates an incident in which he asked an Algebra teacher to explain what “a” and “b” represent.      “You’ll have to figure that out yourself,” the teacher replied.      Some teachers are better, the students admit, but too many “don’t care if you understand” the lesson or not, Rod says. “They get paid either way,” another says. “But you get no respect when you confront the school with a problem,” another complains, especially if it relates to race.

Fear of their peers 

With all the troubles teens face today, and the fear of their own peers, is it any wonder they want to skip school? What reasons do they give for being truant? Where do they go? What do they do?      “We just don’t want to be there,” says Ginger. “We go to somebody’s house and get drunk.”      “I’d go to work, or go fishing,” says Anthony. “If it’s raining, I’d go home, go to sleep, go to the malls. I’ve skipped school before and they didn’t do anything.”      “Kids stay out of school because they know they can’t drink in school,” he says. “They bring it (alcohol to school) … or drink so they’ll be sent home. They know they’ll be sent home. They start drinking at 8 a.m.”      “Others skip because they’re afraid, if someone threatened them,” another explains.      “I go to school to get away from fighting at home,” says Mark. “I get to school, and there’s just more of the same.”


2.7 Solution to Minimize Negative Impact Of Teens Broken Home

In order for teenagers who are looking for identity is not the fall, of course, takes the role of parents. In addition, it takes the watchful eye of pihaksekolah and it became the key to successful prevention of juvenile delinquency either as a result of broken home or due to other things. The role of parents at home and the role of schools to be the key to successful prevention of juvenile under the influence of moral promiscuity. Compassion and caring parents is the first step.

A. Based Formal Education

The second room for children / adolescents is a formal education. Here they wrestle with the times, shedding most of its energy to explore a variety of science, his lunch at a later date when the plunge in the community. Educational institutions also have important roles to continue estapet parents in educating and guiding children. Therefore, formal education must go up.

B. Or Community-Based Social

Community is a place where people with different backgrounds to form a system. They live together in an orderly community. Where most of the interaction is between individuals who are in the group. More abstract, a community is a network of relationships between entities. Society is a community depend on each other. Enlightenment-based society is expected to inspire, encourage and mobilize the community to be aware, caring, and active against teenagers who had broken home.


2.7.1 how to help a teen from a broken home

Often from broken homes go through a great deal of emotions That other
teens do not have to deal with. That there are enough issues come from
being a teenager. Adding the problem of being from a broken home make-
Those years even more stressful. There are Airways to help a teen from a
That broken home so the teen does not get lost in the Idea That Their
home is no longer the same as it used to be.

Here is how to help a teen from a broken home:
Offer an Ear

One of the most Important Things you can do to help a teenager from a broken home is to offer to listen to them. The teen may need to only
talk through with someone WHO Things will not be judgmental. If you offer . That’s ear so the teen can get Those feelings out, you may never know how much you actually helped them cope with Their feelings and problems about coming from a home of divorced parents.

You can start a group for teens from broken homes in order to help
Several teens with the same problem. The group can get together and
Their shared experience. There can also be activities help the teens That
Their work through feelings about Their parent’s divorce. There may
already be a similar group in your area. If there is, suggest to the
That teen he / she GET INVOLVED with the group. Being around other
teenagers with the same problems can help a great deal in Overcoming the
That problems come with being from a broken home.


When a teen is going through a broken home, the worst thing That he / she.  In the face of parental delinquency party wishes  can take two to talk attitude is: Attitude or way of preventive . The act / acts of parents of children that aims to keep the child rather than a bad deed or from the environment bad relationships. In a preventive manner hat, party
parents can provide or conduct the following actions:

a. Instill a sense of discipline from father to son.

b. Provide supervision and protection of the child by the mother.

c. Outpouring of affection from both parents of the child.

d. Keep it there is an intimate relationship in single family bonds.
Besides the above four things that should be held as well:

a. Religious education to lay the moral foundation of good and useful.

b. Distribution of the child’s talents to the arab useful work and

c. Healthy recreation in accordance with the needs of the child soul.
d. Oversight of the social environment of children as well as possible.
Attitude or way of repressive

That the parents should take an active part in the activities  which aims to tackle social problems such as delinquency  become a member of the family and child welfare agencies, participated in the  special discussion on the issue of children’s welfare. In addition to that the parents of the child in case delinquency should take a stand as follows:

a. Introspection will be held entirely neglect that has done to cause the child to fall into delinquency.

b. Will fully understand the background of the problem rather than elinquency
that happened to her son.

c. Requested the help of experts (psychologists or social workers) in the
oversee the development of a child’s life, if deemed necessary.

d. Make note of personal development of children everyday.


2.7.2 Tips for children who experience a state of broken home

Because the parent is an example (role model), a role model and example for our development in adolescence, especially on the psychological and emotional development, we need direction, control, and enough attention from them. Parents is one very important factor in the formation of our character than environmental factors, social, and association.
Well, for those of us who have broken home, how the heck do I fix that we may continue to feel “good” and not be embarrassed and do not trust themselves or run away from problems in ways that wrong? There are actually many ways that we can do when we get stuck in this uncomfortable situation. Initially still difficult and not easy because we have to face the situation that we have never faced before. However, not every problem is no solution?

Well, here are some sure-fire way to cope with such situations.
1. Face it all with a positive attitude .

It is not all that happened was a bad thing even if it’s something negative impact to us. We must try to accept the situation and trying to toughen up. This will help us solve the problem

2. Positive Thinking

Natural events that we take a look at the positive side. Because behind all the problems there must be lessons to be learned. Make it all as a learning process for us as youth to maturity stage. Keep all the bad thoughts that could plunge us into the abyss of destruction, such as using drugs, drinking alcohol, even to try to commit suicide.

3. Do not get stuck with the situation and conditions

Clearly, we may be stuck with baseball situations and judgmental parents or yourself for what happened and angry with this situation. It would be nice if we could begin to accept it all and try to get better. Downturn is not the way out. We should still be strong and try to get up to face this ordeal. Keep trying the key.

4. Trying new things

Does not hurt us to try something new, as long as they are positive and can form a positive character in us. For example, try a new hobby, such as extreme sports (hiking, rafting, skating or sporting nature) that can make us more fresh (fresh) and forget the bad things.

5. Find a place to share

We are not alone, because humans are social creatures that coexist with others. Finding the right place to share is a pretty good solution for us, for example, friend, friend, girlfriend, or maybe a brother. Yes … try a place we share it is a trustworthy person and we could enjoy with her whining. Some of the above can be used as a reference for us because in fact all of the problems is the solution. The point is no need to panic or fret because we as children can not get to dodge it if it happens in our family even though we do not want it. Baseball needs to deal with panic or to depression. Although heavy, we must also accept it wisely. Because who the hell wants to live in a family that broken home? Sure all children will want to experience baseball.  Broken home is not the end of all our lives. We have a long road to run our own lives. Use this situation as a learning tool and the media in order to adulthood. Remember, we are not alone and not the ones who fail. We can still do much and do positive things. Being human is not necessarily better when we get it all does not happen. Maybe this is a new path toward maturation of attitudes and patterns of thinking.

Broken Home? No Problem!

Family breakdown or divorce is not an issue That deserves to be experienced by anyone. No WHO families want to split up. But, alas parents when problems can not be Between solved with a cool head, and as a child you have to Become Victims of the conflict. Broken home must always leave the Wounds for Those who’ve been there. Especially children WHO had no guilt in their parents’ problems.

Here are some steps you can do to Overcome the trauma of a bad divorce, namely:     Open minded and positive. Need not be too late in the grief and adversity. Because Parents divorce for the good of both of them. Although it sounds selfish, but that does not mean venting your frustration to them to destroy me. Although your parents split up but you will still get the same love of both.     Do Expense It! Is the destruction of the family should be a teenage That problem must be borne? The answer is no. Broken home does not make you whole, but also not Meant to destroy you. Many teenagers can not get up WHO after the storm of divorce. They lost the passion for life and future happiness. Take wisdom from the parents’ separation in the future so you do not have That to experience the same thing.

Do not Solve Problems With Problems. Eliminate dumb That Melancholy thoughts continue to overshadow your life. Broken home is a severe trauma. But only the strong souls WHO are Able to anticipate and optimistic. No need to throw Themselves to the problems That other teenagers to forget it. Such as drugs, liquor, juvenile delinquency, or promiscuity. Because it would not solve the problem but actually makes you worse off.

Problems faced. Let’s face it bravely divorce. Only a brave face and you will be Able to through it and finally Able to start a new chapter in your life. Their Divorced parents expect children not disintegrate as well. Forgive an old man when you were disappointed with Their attitude. Every human being ever did the make mistakes in life. WHO Forgiving man would become a powerful man in the face of the storm problems of any kind. So, be Forgiving!                Pursue your dreams and Ambition. Khalil Gibran said, that parents are not owners of Their children so it can not determine the future unless the children Themselves.

We have to get up from the “nightmare” that ….
1. Should not give in the same circumstances. Try talking to parents for talking about issues

2. If you do not succeed nyatuin, yes we must always be positive tetep thinkers together what happened. We must try to accept and tough. Keep all the bad thoughts That Could plunge us into ruin, or even torture myself.

3. try new Things That are challenging, like hiking, rafting, or sporting nature. Which can the make us more fresh and ngelupain bad Things.
4. We’re not alone you know! U can find a place for story-cerita.Tapi, the which would only Certain people can be trusted aja know. Do not just anyone!
5. Waking from the dream of the past. We must learn to Realize That behind the decision of the father-mum nyakitin us, do not dissolve in the circumstances to the make us healthy or dapetin happiness we desire. So why pay if we can. So why pay if we stick together like other children. So why pay if we can give better than others. Keep Trying and spirit! That’s the key.

6. “Take a new position at our home”. May not exist anymore after papa-mama in the house, we can ngambil Their position at home. We learn to be more mature and we can learn a Greater responsibility than other children.
7. “Let the history be the history and do something for the future”. The past be the past biarin wrote, do not automatically blame what is already happening. Remember, we do not live in the past, but for the future. Do not be so self-conscious as our circumstances are not of the “happy family”. make precisely the motivation for a better future.

8. “Do not waste your time just for something useless”. Do not ever interested in the same drug or Negative Things like that. Escape like that did not even solve the problem. Instead will add to the problem.

9. “Keep Praying”. God will always give the best path for us. Although Sometimes we feel not given justice, one day u will know. We’ve given what was really the best and most excellent of all


So, when a broken home there, then the passion to Pursue Dreams and Realizing the Ideals do not need to be destroyed in you go. Stay strive to reach your expectations, do not the make the divorce as a constraint. Keep the spirit!



















3.1 Conclusion

Many parents who feel themselves most meritorious for having given birth and raised him, tyrants do, do not hesitate to judge the various problems and issues that do dihadapu or child. In fact, parents often serve only reproduction, after which the process of education and guidance are authorized to domestic servants. This occurs in many families in big cities are busy at work so that the slavery of children’s rights for their love, education, and guidance ignored. Came the term Broken Home, where children seek refuge which they do not get from their parents.


3.2 Recommendations

For parents, your son is God’s gift to his parents. That is, a time would be required and return to Him as the True Owner. Parents are obliged to educate and guide him. They were born in a state of nature, and those who will lead his parents menjdai Christians can, Jewish, Zoroastrian or a true Muslim, which of course will be held later in the hereafter pertanggungjawabab later.  And for teenage, this just broken home broken not us! Very Often we find the term broken home, like a dysfunctional family situation Because parents do not care about family, not the circumstances That Make us feel at home, and conditions are not in harmony That can be called a broken home.

Some people say, broken home will end in separation or divorce a husband and wife is based on the best decision. Maybe so for them, but what is also best for us as a child?  We as a normal child dijadiin Victims must wonder what to do. Can we be Melancholy, sadness, and shame. We also lost the handle of the parent so That should guide us. There was no single person who wants a family situation like this.



Gunarsa,Singgih D.2004. Psikologi Praktis: Anak Remaja dan Keluarga. Jakarta: BPK Gunung Mulia

Hurlock, Elizabeth B. 1978. Perkembangan Anak. Jakarta:  Erlangga

Wirawan, Sarlito. 1989. Psikologi Perkembangan Anak dan Remaja. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada



Karakter SCORPIO :)

Posted: February 29, 2012 in Uncategorized

Hampir semua orang melukiskan bahwa Scorpio adalah seorang yang bergairah besar dalam segala hal. Mereka selalu mempunyai kemauan yang keras. Dan seorang Scorpio selalu meradiasikan kekuatan secara jelas sekali. Kalau baik maka ia akan baik sekali. Begitu pula sebaliknya kalau buruk atau jahat.


Bagian Scorpio yang lemah adalah selalu condong melakukan penghancuran, keras kepala, pencurian, dan kadang-kadang kejam atau sadis. Pada Scorpio yang baik semua ini dapat diatasi meskipun kadang-kadang akan tampak bila diri mereka terasa tertekan.

Panjang Akal, Pendiam, Pendendam, Gigih, Tekun
Nomor Keberuntungan : 2, 9, 16, 27, 32, 47
Aroma Keberuntungan : Lada Hitam, Kopi, Kayu Pinus, Bunga Sedap Malam
Planet Yang Mengitari : Mars & Pluto
Bunga Keberuntungan : Tumbuh-Tumbuhan Yg Berduri
Warna Keberuntungan : Merah Tua
Batu Keberuntungan : Batu-Batuan Yang Berwarna Merah Darah
Elemen Keberuntungan : Air
Pasangan Serasi : Taurus
Para scorpio merupakan orang yang giat, emosional dan posesif. Mereka suka bekerja keras dan perfeksionis; mereka selalu melihat hidup dari sisi pahitnya. Mereka tidak menyukai kelemahan baik dalam diri mereka sendiri maupun dalam diri orang lain. Mereka sangat dermawan dan penuh kasih dan selalu membela kaum yang lemah. Mereka pandai menyimpan rahasia dan memiliki insting yang kuat. Daya tariknya ada pada tatapan matanya yang dapat menarik orang dengan kekuatan magnetiknya. Scorpio dapat menjadi orang yang setia, namun juga musuh yang berbahaya. Mereka pribadi yang penuh etika dan berpegang teguh pada peraturan yang mereka yakini dalam hidup mereka. Sikapnya yang penolong, setia membuat orang yang mengenalnya merasa beruntung berada di pihaknya. Jika kamu berada di pihak yang berlawanan dengannya, maka ia akan menjadi musuh yang pendendam dan kejam. Sedikit orang yang bisa menyadari kemampuan sejati scorpio karena sikapnya yang pendiam dan rendah hati terhadap apa yang telah mereka capai. Mereka orang yang selalu menepati janjinya dan jarang menarik kembali kata-kata yang telah terucap dari mulut mereka. Mereka pengamat yang cermat dan pandai mengukur situasi. Mereka tidak pernah terlibat dalam situasi tanpa persiapan yang matang, maka dari itu mereka selalu menjadi pesaing yang tangguh. Mereka selalu bersedia menolong yang lemah, penuh informasi dan pandai menjaga rahasia.
Asmara para Scorpio
: Scorpio adalah zodiak yang paling perasa. Mereka penuh gairah, setia dan sangat romantis. Mereka tidak akan terlibat dalam suatu hubungan tanpa penyelidikan terlebih dahulu untuk mengetahui apakah pilihannya itu merupakan pribadi yang setia dan jujur. Bila iya, maka ia akan menunjukkan sisi pribadi yang selama ini dia sembunyikan. Mereka sangat pencemburu jika menemukan sesuatu yang dicurigai tanpa alasan yang kuat. Tidak ada yang dapat menyakiti Scorpio kecuali perasaan dicurangi dan dikhianati oleh pasangannya.

10 TIPS berprestasi di sekolah !

Posted: February 29, 2012 in Uncategorized

Mau tahu apa rahasia para pelajar berprestasi? Ini dia rahasianya:

1. Jadilah seorang pemimpin. Latihlah rasa tanggung jawabmu.
Apabila guru meminta bantuanmu untuk mengerjakan sesuatu misalnya membersihkan kelas, jangan ragu untuk menerimanya. Ajak beberapa teman kelas dan pimpin mereka untuk membersihkan kelas bersama-sama.

2. Mendengarkan penjelasan guru dengan baik.
Jawablah setiap pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh guru apabila kamu mengetahui jawabannya. Jangan menunggu guru untuk memanggil kamu untuk menjawab pertanyaan.

3. Jangan malu untuk bertanya.
Selalu ajukan pertanyaan kepada guru apabila tidak mengerti tentang sesuatu hal.

4. Kerjakan PR dengan baik, jangan selalu mencari alasan untuk tidak mengerjakannya.
Jangan malas mengerjakan PR dengan alasan lupa atau menunda-nunda mengerjakannya. Enak kan kalau kita cepat mengerjakan PR, jadi masih punya banyak waktu untuk bermain dan nonton TV deh!

5. Setiap pulang dari sekolah, selalu mengulang pelajaran yang tadi diajarkan.
Nanti sewaktu ada ulangan jadi tidak banyak yang harus dipelajari! Asyik!

6. Cukup istirahat, makan dan bermain.
Semuanya dilakukan secara berimbang. Setelah pulang sekolah, kita sering ingin cepat-cepat bermain dan melupakan segala hal penting lainnya, contohnya makan dan istirahat. Padahal setelah seharian di sekolah, tak terasa badan kita membutuhkan masukan energi tambahan yang bisa didapatkan dari istirahat dan makanan yang kita makan. Oleh karenanya kita harus dapat membagi waktu untuk makan, istirahat dan bermain. Kalau semuanya dilakukan dengan baik, badan jadi segar setiap hari! Jadi tidak sering mengantuk di kelas!

7. Banyak berlatih pelajaran yang kurang disuka.
Apabila kamu tidak menyenangi suatu mata pelajaran, contohnya matematika, maka banyak-banyaklah berlatih, mengikuti kursus atau belajar berkelompok dengan teman. Sehabis belajar bisa bermain dan menambah teman baru di tempat kursus. Selain itu, siapa tahu dari kurang menyukai matematika, kalian malahan menyukainya.

8. Ikutilah kegiatan ektrakurikuler yang kamu senangi.
Cari tahu kegiatan apa yang cocok dan kamu suka. Contohnya apabila kalian suka pelajaran tae kwon do, cobalah untuk mengikuti kursus dari kegiatan tersebut, sehingga selain belajar pelajaran-pelajaran yang diajarkan di sekolah, kalian juga dapat mendapatkan pelajaran tambahan di luar sekolah.

9. Cari seorang pembimbing yang baik.
Orangtua adalah pembimbing yang terbaik selain guru. Apabila ada yang kurang jelas dari keterangan guru di sekolah, kalian dapat menanyakan hal tersebut kepada orang tua. Selain itu, kalian juga dapat belajar dari teman yang berprestasi.

10. Jangan suka mencontek teman.
Kalau mencontek, kamu bisa bodoh karena tidak berpikir sendiri. Lagipula belum tentu, teman yang kamu contek itu menjawab pertanyaan dengan benar. Belum lagi kalau ketahuan guru dan teman lain, malu kan? Kalau kamu rajin belajar, pasti bisa menjawab semua pertanyaan dengan benar sehingga ulangan dapat nilai baik.

Lakukan dan jangan tunda lagi!, karena kamu berada di jalur pelajar berprestasi.
Semoga berhasil

Depresi pada Remaja

Posted: February 29, 2012 in Uncategorized

Seorang remaja yang terlihat tidak gembira merupakan hal yang biasa. Namun, perlu diwaspadai bila perasaan tidak bahagia tersebut terus berlanjut sampai lebih dari dua pekan. Ada banyak alasan mengapa seorang remaja merasa tidak bahagia. Lingkungan yang penuh tekanan dapat memicu depresi.


Dengan adanya depresi, dapat muncul perasaan merasa bersalah, menurunnya performa di sekolah, interaksi sosial, menyimpangnya orientasi seksual, maupun terganggunya kehidupan remaja di keluarganya.

Depresi merupakan gangguan serius yang dapat mempengaruhi pikiran, perasaan, perilaku, dan kesehatan secara umum. Depresi tidak mengenal usia. Tua, muda, dewasa, bahkan remaja bisa terkena depresi. Dengan dipicu permasalahan sepele, bisa saja remaja yang mengalami depresi melakukan hal-hal yang tidak dibayangkan orang umum. Yang paling membahayakan dari depresi adalah munculnya ide bunuh diri atau melakukan usaha bunuh diri.

Definisi Depresi
Depresi merupakan suatu gangguan mental yang spesifik yang ditandai dengan adanya perasaan sedih, putus asa, kehilangan semangat, merasa bersalah, lambat dalam berpikir, dan menurunnya motivasi untuk melakukan aktivitas.

Gejala Depresi
Perhatikan tanda-tanda berikut untuk mengetahui adanya depresi pada remaja:

* Merasa sedih, cemas, dan tidak memiliki harapan
* Tidak nafsu makan, atau banyak makan yang menyebabkan penurunan maupun kenaikan berat badan dalam waktu singkat
* Terjaga di malam hari, namun tidur sepanjang siang
* Menarik diri dari teman-temannya, murung
* Aktivitas dan prestasi di sekolah menurun, menurunnya motivasi dan minat
* Mudah marah dan tersinggung, menjadi sensitif terhadap kritikan
* Rendah diri dan merasa sangat bersalah
* Konsentrasi menurun, sulit mengambil keputusan
* Adanya perubahan dalam kebiasaan makan maupun tidur
* Memiliki pikiran untuk melakukan bunuh diri

Jika tanda tersebut terjadi beberapa hari sampai beberapa minggu, sebaiknya segera dikonsultasikan pada tenaga kesehatan. Treatmen yang dilakukan dapat berupa terapi dengan cara berbicara, maupun menggunakan obat.

Pengobatan Depresi Pada Remaja
Terdapat berbagai metode terapi yang dapat dilakukan bagi remaja yang mengalami depresi. Tenaga kesehatan akan mempertimbangkan metode yang tepat bagi masing-masing individu. Diantaranya dengan menggunakan cognitive behavioral therapy, psychodinamic psychotherapy, interpersonal psychoterapy, terapi supportif ataupun menggunakan obat-obatan.

Masukan bagi Orang Tua
Menjadi orang tua dari seorang remaja merupakan suatu tantangan tersendiri. Beberapa teknik komunikasi akan sangat diperlukan dan membantu orang tua dalam membasarkan anak remaja.

* Ketika mendisiplinkan anak, tidak dengan cara menghukum dan membuatnya malu. Ganti hukuman dengan membantu anak memberikan solusi dengan cara yang baik. Hukuman dan rasa malu dapat membuat seorang remaja merasa tidak berguna.
* Biarkan anak remaja anda melakukan kesalahan. Sikap overproteksi atau orang tua yang selalu mengambil keputusan membuat remaja membuat mereka yakin bahwa mereka tidak memiliki kemampuan. Hal ini dapat membuat kepercayaan dirinya berkurang.
* Berikan ruang bagi remaja untuk ‘bernafas’. Jangan mengharapkan mereka melakukan sesuatu sama persis sesuai keinginan orang tua.
* Tidak memaksa anak untuk memiliki kegiatan dan pengalaman yang sama dengan anda sewaktu remaja dahulu.
* Jika anda mencurigai bahwa anak mengalami depresi, berikan waktu untuk mendengarkan masalahnya. Meskipun ana berfikir bahwa masalahnya bukanlah permasalahan serius. Membuka komunikasi antara orang tua dan anak merupakan hal penting, apalagi ketika anak memperlihatkan gejala menutup diri.
* Luangkan waktu untuk mendengarkan masalah mereka tanpa kritikan ataupun menghakimi.
* Jangan pula meremehkan apa yang mereka rasakan, kadang remaja mempunyai reaksi yang berlebihan terhadap suatu masalah tetapi sebaiknya orang tua coba mengerti bahwa apa yang mereka rasakan benar terjadi.
* Kadang remaja tidak mencari saran ataupun solusi atas masalah mereka, lebih kepada dukungan dan penerimaan saja, jadi apapun yang terjadi yakinkan sang remaja bahwa anda akan selalu mendampingi dan membantu mereka kapanpun diperlukan.
* Begitu sang remaja merasa siap untuk menyampaikan masalah mereka, jangan potong dengan interupsi ataupun berusaha mengatur, dengarkan saja cerita mereka.

Bila memang masalah yang terjadi sudah diluar kemampuan sang remaja dan anda sendiri, beritahukan kepada mereka tentang kemungkinan kondisi yang ada serta diskusikan cara alternatif lain supaya masalahnya dapat terbantu.


Posted: February 29, 2012 in Uncategorized


And the most important among all is “love”

By: Primasanti[1]


            Seorang wanita cantik berada di sebuah pesta perpisahan. Pakaian yang modis dan make up yang menakjubkan membuat orang lain menatapnya tak berkedip, tak satu pun berani mendekat. Di sudut sana, seorang gadis berkuncir, biasa saja, tengah dikerubuti banyak orang. Orang-orang tampak antusias berdiskusi dengan gadis sederhana ini. Manakah di antara mereka berdua yang bisa disebut beauty?

Beauty, brain, and behavior merupakan konsep lama yang sering digunakan orang untuk mengukur performa individu. Maka, dalam setiap kontes beauty pageant, standar ini selalu menjadi acuan. Beauty, brain, and behavior merupakan konsep praktis aplikatif yang lebih banyak diterapkan dari pada dikaji secara ilmiah. Logikanya, alat ukur ini belum tentu valid untuk mengukur performa yang ideal. Tulisan ini ingin mengupas masing-masing konsep tersebut dan jalinan di antara ketiganya.

Konsep beauty, brain, and behavior acapkali digunakan untuk mengukur kesempurnaan seseorang. Jadi, kita perlu tahu dulu apa arti “sempurna”. Di dunia ini, term sempurna digunakan untuk menggambarkan kondisi paling ideal yang bisa dicapai oleh seseorang. Lagu “Sempurna” by Andra and The Backbone misalnya, Kau begitu sempurna, di mataku kau begitu indah. Sempurna diidentikkan dengan keindahan yang paling indah. Namun, dalam alkitab, sempurna atau perfect diterjemahkan sebagai holy atau complete. Nah, siapa yang mewakili standar holy ini? tentu saja Allah. Dalam Kejadian 1: 26, Allah berfirman “Baiklah Kita menjadikan manusia menurut gambar dan rupa Kita, …” Kabar gembiranya, kita semua diciptakan seturut gambar tersebut.  Di dalam alkitab dikatakan “Karena itu haruslah kamu sempurna, sama seperti Bapamu yang di sorga adalah sempurna” (Matius 5: 48). Hmm…jadi, sempurna itu adalah hak yang sudah diberikan sekaligus perintah untuk selalu dijaga. Ingat ya, prinsip utamanya dalam pembahasan ini adalah bahwa kita diciptakan sempurna.

            Acapkali, dunia ini menggunakan standar beauty, brain and behavior untuk menggolongkan orang baik dan orang buruk. Maka, yang terpilih dalam beauty pageant biasanya adalah orang yang cantik secara fisik, model atau pernah menjadi foto model, dan memiliki kelebihan-kelebihan tertentu. Apakah ini salah? Tentu tidak, asal kita memandang konsep beauty, brain, and behavior dengan benar maka konsep ini akan menolong kita untuk mengembangkan diri. Lalu, apa itu beauty, brain, and behavior?

Beauty. Menurut Edward de Bono (2004: 2), Beauty is something that can be appreciated by others. Dalam Cambridge dictionary, Beauty berarti the quality of being pleasing, especially to look at. Kata kunci dari beauty adalah ‘tampak oleh mata’. Dalam kehidupan berinteraksi, penampilan fisik itu penting sekali. Tapi bagaimana berpenampilan beauty yang benar? Mari kita tengok media kita, di koran, televisi, majalah, orang cantik digambarkan dengan tubuh yang indah, kulit putih yang mulus, rambut panjang, curly, dll. Saya pernah melakukan observasi di kelas. Iseng-iseng saya keliling kelas sambil melihat model rambut mahasiswi saya. Mungkin mereka kencan ke salon bareng-bareng ya, model rambutnya sama, warna cat nya sama, bahkan derajat curly nya tidak bisa dibedakan lagi (lebay…). Waduh, media telah berhasil mencetak anak-anak ini ibaratnya kaleng sarden yang keluar dari pabriknya. Semua sama, serupa.

Kadang-kadang, supaya tidak dikatakan ketinggalan mode, kita memaksakan diri untuk tampil sama se-“cantik” yang ditampilkan oleh media-media. Walhasil, keunikan kita hilang, kita tak lebih hanya satu dari sekian ribu manusia yang sama. Berpenampilan beauty tidak harus mengikuti trend. Intinya adalah kita dapat membuat diri kita menarik. Nah, bagaimana bisa menarik? Berpenampilan menarik adalah berpenampilan yang sejujur-jujurnya namun bisa menempatkan diri. Misalnya, karena kita suka berpakaian santai, pergi ke mall juga dengan pakaian santai. Padahal, kita tidak tahu, mungkin kita akan berjumpa dengan presiden di sana, atau dengan kawan lama. Pasti tidak mau kan mendengar, “Wah, masih seperti yang dulu neh”. Yang artinya adalah tetap kumal seperti sekian tahun yang lalu.

Saya sendiri dulunya adalah volunteer di sebuah yayasan anak jalanan. Bisa bayangkan, kan seperti apa penampilan saya. Bertahun-tahun hidup dengan anak jalanan membuat saya canggung untuk berpenampilan resmi sebagai pengajar. Apalagi, belum tentu pantas. Namun, saya butuh beberapa lama untuk bereksperimen dan menemukan gaya yang tepat untuk mewakili diri saya. Nah, sekarang kalau orang menanyakan, yang mana sih diri saya, orang dengan mudah menyebutkan cirri-ciri saya. Atau kamu? Misalnya “Oh, yang pendek, gesit, suka pakai baju batik itu lho”. Bayangkan, kalau penampilan kita sama dengan orang lain, “Aduh, yang mana sih orangnya? Rambut panjang, curly, langsing, bercat coklat? Lha, kayaknya hampir semua mahasiswa begitu dewh…”. Haha…bingung kan? So, bereksperimenlah, temukan penampilanmu yang paling jujur dan tempatkanlah dengan benar sesuai situasi dan kondisi.

Brain. If you have natural physical beauty it is a tragedy to waste this beauty by having boring mind. It is like buying an expensive car and not putting fuel in the tank (Bono, 2004: 2). Wah, serem bener ya, ternyata cantik tak selamanya menarik. Mobil mahal pun tidak akan bisa jalan kalau tidak ada bahan bakarnya. Dialah brain.  Saya lebih setuju menyebut brain sebagai wisdom and experience dari pada kepandaian atau kemampuan menyelesaikan masalah. Wisdom adalah hikmat. Orang  yang menarik adalah orang yang ketika kita berbicara dengannya terasa nyaman karena orang ini memiliki hikmat, solusi, kebenaran untuk memecahkan suatu persoalan. Kadang, dia tidak perlu menjadi orang yang cerewet dan dominan atau ekstrimnya sok pintar dalam sebuah percakapan. Mungkin dia adalah seorang pendiam yang sekali waktu berbicara benar-benar bisa merobek-robek kesombongan orang yang diajak bicara. Nah, dari mana wisdom ini bisa didapat? Tentu saja dari takut akan Tuhan serta experience atau pengalaman hidup.

Sepuluh tahun lebih menjadi seorang MC atau penyiar radio tidak membuat saya tidak gugup ketika akan bertugas. Namun, pernah, karena kesombongan dan rasa PD yang berlebihan saya berkali-kali tidak berhasil membawakan acara dengan baik sehingga mengecewakan klien. Sekarang, saya selalu berlutut di hadapan Tuhan sebelum mulai bertugas karena menyadari ketidakmampuan saya. Saya tidak tahu kenapa, tapi mereka selalu merasa nyaman dan meminta saya kembali menjadi MC. Sepuluh tahun pengalaman menjadi MC itu benar-benar mengajari saya untuk membawakan acara dengan smart.

Bagaimana memperoleh hikmat dan pengalaman itu? Mudah saja, pergi saja minta sama Sang Empunya hikmat itu. Hikmat sudah disediakan bagi kita kalau kita mau hidup dengan mengenal Tuhan dan firmanNya setiap waktu. Lalukanlah, bersaat teduhlah setiap pagi atau malam agar hikmat Tuhan dicurahkan untuk kita. Soal pengalaman? Yang ini juga penting. Kita mau memiliki brain yang optimal, tetapi tidak pernah mau bersosialisasi, berorganisasi, oh … tidak bisa (gaya sule). Sebisa mungkin, tergabunglah dalam suatu komunitas atau organisasi terntentu sesuai dengan minat. Komunitas atau organisasi membantu kita untuk tumbuh dewasa.

Selain itu, milikilah minat yang unik. Beberapa mahasiswa saya tanyai, “Apa hobimu?”, jawab yang pertama, “Nonton, Miss”, yang ke dua, “Ehm…Nonton, Miss”, (Cuma tambah ehm…doang), yang ke tiga, “Iya Miss, Nonton”. Jiaaaaa….Wadewww …. Bagaimana kita bisa menjadi menarik kalau semua kembar begini? Minat yang spesifik dan unik serta dengan tekun kita dalami akan membuat kita bermanfaat bagi orang lain dalam bidang tersebut. Bukan berarti kita menekuni ituuuuuuuu saja, namun, minat “ini” menjadi spesifikasi atau keahlian kita. Sehingga teman kamu bisa bilang, “Kalau mau ngomongin soal musik jazz, Dhani tuh biangnya”.

Behavior. Sebelumnya, saya sempat bertanya-tanya, kenapa ya, berdasarkan susunannya, behavior selalu ada di akhir? Kenapa susunannya tidak begini, Behavior, Brain, Beauty? Haha…pertanyaan yang aneh. Jawabannya kira-kira adalah karena hal ini yang paling tidak tampak dan jarang kita sadari. Kalau kita belum menyisir rambut, mudah sekali kita menyadarinya bukan? Atau kalau kita salah ucap, mudah juga kita menyadari dan meralatnya kan? Tapi kalau kita berlaku tidak sopan atau bersikap kurang ajar? O … oo… o… hanya orang lain yang bisa menilainya. Sulit sekali untuk menyadari dan mengevaluasi behavior kita sendiri.

Oya, sebelumnya, apa itu behavior. Behavior adalah sikap atau tingkah laku kita sehari-hari. Kadang-kadang, sikap ini dibentuk oleh latar belakang keluarga, budaya, pendidikan, media yang kita konsumsi, dll. Namun, lebih subtil lagi, behavior ini juga merupakan ekspresi dari karakter seseorang. Orang yang ‘selenge’an’ acapkali kurang memperhatikan cara berbicara, cara duduk, cara makan yang mungkin mengganggu orang lain tanpa dia sadari. Kenapa? Karena itu sudah melekat sekali di dalam hidupnya.

Lalu bagaimana membentuk behavior yang baik? Behavior yang baik dibentuk oleh hati yang baik juga. Manusia terdiri dari roh, jiwa (emosi, perasaan), dan tubuh kan? Nah, harusnya, apa yang dikehendaki roh itu terekspresikan pada perilaku kita. Kalau di dalam roh kita yang ada adalah hal yang jahat, ya begitulah perilaku kita. Tapi kalau roh kita adalah kasih, maka jiwa dan tubuh kita akan terlatih untuk menyesuaikannya. Jadi, untuk memiliki behavior yang baik harus dimulai dengan hati yang baik. Hati yang baik adalah hati yang selalu mau dibentuk dan dididik, bukan hati yang berontak dan menolak ajaran. Seperti tanah yang subur, hati yang baik perlu dipupuk, disiangi, dan disirami. Jangan diisi dengan sampah (baca: sakit hati, rasa kecewa, memendam kemarahan, dll). Kalau hati kita baik, pikiran, emosi, jiwa kita juga turut menjadi positif dan hal ini akan tercermin dalam perilaku kita.

Di atas sudah dijelaskan mengenai apa itu beauty, brain, and behavior, namun tanpa kasih semua itu tidak akan menjadikan kita menarik. Kasih yang berasal hari dalam roh kita akan memancar keluar dan menolong ketiga konsep itu untuk menjadi seimbang. Sekarang, saya ingin mengajak kita melihat cirri-ciri orang yang beauty, brain, and behaviornya terekspresikan secara seimbang dalam hidupnya.

Berpengaruh. Orang yang cantik mungkin akan menarik hati, namun belum tentu mempengaruhi. Males kan membeli produk kalau sales yang menawarkan menor dan cerewet minta ampun? Orang yang memiliki keseimbangan beauty, brain, and behavior selalu akan menjadi orang yang berpengaruh. Coba refleksikan pada diri kita, seberapa pengaruh kita terhadap lingkungan kita? Mungkin kalian adalah pendiam, tidak banyak bicara, tidak dominan, tidak suka mengikut. Tetapi begitu kamu tidak ada, keseimbangan kelompokmu akan sangatttt terganggu. Itu artinya kamu adalah orang yang berpengaruh. Orang tipe ini juga biasanya memiliki satu ide atau visi yang akan dia wujudkan sampai titik darah penghabisan. Sebut saja, Mother Theresa, Catherine Booth, Catherine Hicks, Fanny Crosby, Anne Hutchinson, Mahalia Jackson, dll. Ketika saya mencoba mem-brows wajah mereka melalui internet, mereka relatif bukan orang yang cantik, tapi pengaruh mereka terhadap dunia begitu besar. Puluhan orang cantik lain yang pernah saya temui sebagian besar mengatakan, “Aduh, apa ya tujuan hidupku, mengalir aja deh”, setiap kali saya bertanya apa tujuan hidup mereka.

Menghargai. Orang dengan 3B yang seimbang selalu menghargai orang lain, apa pun keadaan orang tersebut. Kenapa? Ya karena dia mengenal gambar dirinya dengan baik, yakni bahwa dirinya sebenarnya diciptakan sempurna, dan begitu juga orang lain. Bagaimana Anda memperlakukan pembantu Anda, ini sangat menunjukkan 3B Anda. Kalau selama ini Anda masih sembarangan memperlakukan pembantu Anda atau anak kecil yang minta-minta di pinggir jalan, bertobatlah. Hahaha…. (bercanda lho).

Perfect but Low Profile. Orang yang memiliki keseimbangan beauty, brain, and behavior selalu menjadi seseorang yang perfect dan tidak sembarangan dalam mengerjakan hal sekecil apa pun. Pernah suatu kali, karena merasa sudah terbiasa, ketika saya harus mengiringi pujian di suatu ibadah, saya tidak berlatih terlebih dahulu. Pikir saya, “Ah, kan udah biasa”. Tapi apa yang terjadi, semua berantakan karena saya tidak mempersiapkan yang terbaik. Jadi, jadilah sempurna namun tetap rendah hati.


Itulah Beauty, Brain and Behavior dan yang terbesar di antaranya adalah kasih.  Kasih menolong kita untuk menyeimbangkan beauty, brain, and behavior kita. Nah, bagaimana ya bisa memiliki karakter di atas? Yang harus kita lakukan adalah memberi diri dengan rendah hati untuk dididik dalam kasih. Soal penampilan fisik (Beauty), berekspresimenlah, temukan gayamu yang paling jujur namun tetap menghargai orang lain. Tentang Brain, wisdom and experience menjadi kuncinya dan keduanya berbicara tentang waktu, jadi bersbar untuk diproses ya. Tentang behavior, jaga hati dari hal-hal yang membusukkannya. Isi hatimu dengan hal-hal yang indah, berkomunitaslah dan berorganisasilah. Ini semua melatih perilaku kita.

You are born with a certain shape of face or body. There is only a certain amount you can do to make them more beautiful. But there is very much more that you can do to make your brain and behavior more beautiful

meaning of Novena

Posted: February 23, 2012 in Uncategorized

A novena is a series of prayers that are said for nine straight days, usually as a prayer of petition but sometimes as a prayer of thanksgiving. (See The Types of Prayer for more on prayers of petition and thanksgiving.) The nine days recall the nine days that the Apostles and the Blessed Virgin Mary spent in prayer between Ascension Thursday and Pentecost Sunday.

While the word novena comes from the Latin novem, meaning “nine,” the term has also come to be used generically to refer to any lengthy series of prayers. Thus, the Saint Andrew Christmas Novena is recited for more than nine days, between the Feast of St. Andrew (November 30) and Christmas.

Pronunciation: nōˈvēnə

“Every year, we pray the Divine Mercy Novena on the nine days between Good Friday and Divine Mercy Sunday.”

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Posted: February 18, 2012 in Uncategorized

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